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General Information


Fall Session 

Fall session begins in August 



Is due on the first of the month. A $15 late fee will be added to your tuition if it is not paid by the 5th of the Month. Those who wish to participate in the automatic monthly payment option can click here (coming soon) to print out the form and turn it in to the front desk.


Proper Dance Attire

Preschool wears pink leotards, skirts, and tights with pink ballet shoes and black tap shoes(girls) black ballet & tap shoes (boys). Preschool boys also wear comfortable clothing.


JAC & PAC classes wear black leotards, shorts, and pink tights (moving to black tights). Black tap & jazz shoes and pink ballet shoes. Boys wear black tap and ballet shoes.


Competition students and upper level classes wear black leotards, black tights for ballet and black tap & jazz shoes. Please verify when you sign your child up for classes.


Dancewear and Spiritwear

Spiritwear is ordered online twice a year (fall & spring), it must paid for at the time of ordering and will be delivereed to the studio. If your child needs new dance shoes or attire please stop by the front.


Parent and Sibling Waiting Area

Waiting area is the designated area near the front desk. Due to the open studio bays we would like to keep small children and parents in this area to avoid distractions to our dancers.


Best Handbook 

The annual handbook will be given out in October with detailed information.



In an effort to go GREEN we will begin sending the monthly newsletters via email. Please make sure you have given us your current email address. We will also post all communications on our website and on the bulletin board monitor located near the front desk. 



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